
Sunday, December 16, 2018

Cards in Envy Hang Your Stocking with Care

This round at Cards in Envy we'd like your card to have something to do with a stocking.  You could feature a stocking or something you might find in your stocking. Think of the possibilities and go nuts!

I've had this fireplace die for ages so am happy to be using stash. I stenciled it lightly with a brick pattern and Distress Oxide Worn Lipstick. The wood and fire are colored with Copics.  I love how the fire turned out but, of course, most of it got covered up--LOL.  The stockings are paper-pieced.  Oh, I also sponged the background in a warm fire yellow glow. So pretty.

The Details:  MFT Our Story, Fireplace Die, Brick Stencil, and Tiny Check 6x6 Paper, Pretty Pink Posh Holiday Greetings, Copics, Ranger Multi Medium Matte, Distress Oxide Worn Lipstick and Mustard Seed

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