
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Peace Yeti

I think the new ME holiday Yeti release is brilliant. So clever and cute!  For my first Yeti card of the season (oh, yes, there will be more . . . someday), I stamped the Yeti with Versafine on watercolor paper then did the watercolor wash, staying outside the lines. Mostly. I spattered the card front too. Next I colored in the yeti with Copics, not remembering that Copics make Versafine bleed. This happened on his face and by one of the hearts. He's a dirty little Yeti which is a-okay. Finally I stamped and colored the banner. Actually fussy cut that out but I assure you I will be buying the die in the near future!

I'm entering this in CASology 267 Big, Jingle Belles Tic Tac Toe, Watercooler Wednesday 137 Anything Goes

The Details:  Mama Elephant Me and My Yeti, and Sentiments from a Yeti; Distress Oxide Broken China, Memento Tuxedo Black and Danube Blue, Copics, Distress Ink Blueprint Sketch, Tumbled Glass, and Mermaid Lagoon, Canson 90lb watercolor paper


  1. Hi Toni, what a perfect image to have that Versafine bleed into! A dirty Yeti is definitely the right way to go, however it happened. Love the colours, especially that wonderful splash of watercolouring in the background. I love the subtle scalloped and stitched edge around your stamped layer. This has so much wonderful detail and yet it's deliciously clean and simple. Great card! Thanks so much for joining our Watercooler Wednesday Challenge this week.

  2. Thanks for enabling ... now I *need* those stamps ... love your adorable card ... and so glad you joined our game of Tic-Tac-Toe at Jingle Belles.

  3. That's a super cool card !! Colors are perfect ! But how did you keep your wash to stay outside your stamped yeti ?

  4. Who would have thought a Yeti could be so darn adorable! Your watercolored background is gorgeous. Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  5. Love this!! That Yeti is totally adorable 💙 And your bg is awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CASology! Anna xo

  6. oh wow what a fun card, i love every single thing about this! so pleased you could join our tic tac toe fun at JINGLE BELLES! ♥

  7. Cute yeti! and lovely message of peace. So happy you could join in the fun at CASology this week.

  8. Wow, that background wash is amazing!!! Great coloring, awesome fussy cutting! We all need to listen to that Yeti these days...such an important message. Thanks for joining us at CASology!

  9. Your coloring is wonderful! Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday Challenges!

  10. This card is wonderful! The yeti is so cute, beautifully coloured, and that background is just lovely. Thank you for joining us at the Watercooler Wednesday Challenge - Charlotte/Lady Joyful, DT


Thanks so much for your comments. I really enjoy and appreciate them all!