
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Feelin' Groovy

Time for a new House of Cards challenge--woo hoo!  This time your card must include a metallic element.  

In my card I used silver metallic embossing powder which is a combo I absolutely adore with green.  It was my first time coloring up a Some Odd Girl image (thanks to Kimberly!)--super fun.  Her hair was inspired by Julianne Moore from Still Alice.  I don't know who colors her hair but they do an amazing job making it look natural.  I popped her up on a bit of folded card; a technique that Lisa shared with me.  Now the card will be flat when mailed but little Mae will pop right up when she comes out of the envelope--surprise! 

The Details:  Some Odd Girl Music Mae, Lil' Inker Shiny Happy Sentiments, Copics, Versamark, Recollections silver detail embossing powder


  1. What a DARLING card, Toni! I LOVE the bright colors, the fun floral patterns, and the shine from the silver is amazing! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  2. This is sooooo awww-dorable! That is a fabulously colored girl and she looks so cute.

  3. Beautiful card, lovely coloring and I agree that silver and grene color combo is great! Donna T. HOC

  4. I always love your coloring Toni so perfecto and tidy not like me I have no patient to coloring sometimes it goes out of the line (grinz) I love how your sentiment so shiny like metallics...Sweet simple and CAS layout
    I love this
    hugs, Monika (Teamie at HOC)

  5. What a cozy card and great coloring Toni.
    (✿*‿*) Ma
    Teamie HOC

  6. Beautiful coloring on the hair! Love the idea of using card stock for the pop up!
    Have a great day!
    Donna HOC Teamie

  7. This is gorgeous Toni! I love that image and your coloring is beautiful, fabulous embossed sentiment too!
    Hugs, Tammy

  8. I can see why you like the green and silver color combo. They're beautifully paired. This card is gorgeous, just like every one I've seen you post. So awesome!!

  9. Gorgeous! Love her!

    Em, HOC teamie

  10. Your shiny silver sentiment says it all about your terrific card ;)

  11. gorgeous! i love the layout, the colours and the silver sentiment! of course i love that you gave her green eyes just like mine. :)
    HOC DT

  12. I love that pretty silver embossing on your card, Toni! Great idea!
    Take care!
    Michele, HOC teamie

  13. Cute card with a fun image and the silver is a perfect accent to the green (the most beautiful color in the world!!).

  14. So sweet - love that shiny silver sentiment! Enjoy your weekend, hugs! Cornelia (HOC teamie)

  15. Another beautiful card, Toni! Jo x (HOC DT friend)

  16. Oh Toni, this is just the cutest card! Love everything about it!
    Judy HOC Teamie

  17. So pretty! Love the background!
    Lilian HOC DT teamie
    The Leaf Studio

  18. This is one groovy card! The colors are delightful! jane hoc teamie

  19. Super cute card! I love your cute odd girl :) And great sentiment! Big Hugs! Katy HOC Teammate :)

  20. Love your groovy card. The embossing really makes it stand out with that adorable little girl. Hugs, Barbara HOC DT


Thanks so much for your comments. I really enjoy and appreciate them all!